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Saint Louis 大学院系 are eligible to receive certain software and hardware discounts. These discounts vary based on special promotions from each company, and 每个供应商都有特定的方式获得博彩网址大全的折扣.

Hardware Discounts

Saint Louis University has worked with both Apple and Dell to offer 博彩网址大全 students, faculty and staff discount pricing on laptop and desktop computers. 福利包括:

  • Discount prices
  • Delivery to campus
  • 三年和四年保修期
  • Prices extended to 博彩网址大全 students, faculty and staff for personal purchases
Apple Discounts

博彩网址大全和苹果公司. 为博彩网址大全的学生、教职员工提供苹果产品 教育折扣. 这种伙伴关系使博彩网址大全社区能够从中受益 of special discount pricing on Apple laptops, desktops and mobile devices.


Faculty, Student and Staff Personal Purchases: 1-800-MY-APPLE

Dell Discounts

Saint Louis University and Dell offer the Dell Premier Partnership to 博彩网址大全 students, faculty and staff.  博彩网址大全 departments may purchase, at significant discounts, any of 针对博彩网址大全定制的笔记本或台式机配置. 

Departmental business managers have access to all standard machines through the Billiken Buy system. Within this agreement, University faculty, staff and students can visit博彩网址大全 以折扣价购买个人装备.


Faculty, Student and Staff Personal Purchases: 1-877-377-0238



Departmental business managers have access to all standard machines through the Billiken Buy system.

Within this agreement, University faculty, staff,and students can visit博彩网址大全 以折扣价购买个人装备. 个人购买 ,请浏览 Apple Education.


Preferred Method

Once the model has been selected, the department business manager is able to order from the Billiken Buy system via the Procurement option in Workday. Devices will be 运到大学. 将需要联系ITS,以确保机器 fully managed and functional before being used on the University campus.


For Apple: 通过联系获取报价 or by calling 314-977-4000, the ITS Service Desk, to request a new quote. Please Note: When requesting a quote, please request the four-year AppleCare warranty. 

For Dell: O通过联系Tracey Cousin获得报价 or by calling 314-977-4000, the ITS Service Desk, to request a new quote. Your department business manager will then be able to upload the quote into the Billiken Buy system 完成定制的订单. 

How do I purchase an item that is not specifically listed through the Billiken Buy site?
Some items are available for purchase through requisition/purchase order only directly from the manufactures information pages, click here for Apple information or click 这里是戴尔信息.
Pricing for the standard desktop configurations includes a three-year or four-year 保修,大多数都有下一个工作日的服务. 传统的笔记本电脑系统包括 三年保修. Call 314-977-4000 and the ITS Service Desk will send a technician 访问和评估问题. 如果需要拨打保修支持电话 tech will make the service request with appropriate manufacturer support.


Software Discounts

Adobe -部门采购

Saint Louis University has an enterprise agreement with Adobe to provide all full-time 使用adobeacrobatpro软件. 分配给的所有博彩网址大全管理工作站 faculty and staff will already have Adobe Acrobat Pro installed on their workstation. 您可能需要使用您的 电子邮件和选择学校/业务,如果提示. 

ITS maintains a limited number of Creative Cloud licenses that can be assgined based 关于商业理由. 如果您需要请求Adobe Creative Cloud许可 请填写以下表格 request.

For part-time/contractors faculty and staff, please email Jim Allen at CDWG for a license:

To install your new Adobe software, Please contact the IT Service Desk at 314-977-4000 or

ATALS.ti -部门采购




  • The yearly license dates are Feb 5 - Feb 4 the following year, regardless of your 实际购买日期.
  • The price is $85

为大学设备获取Atlas Ti

  • Payment of the $85 per license can be made through Workday using the Internal Service 交付(ISD)模块. 
    Cost Center: E75
  • In the ISD, indicate this is for Atlas Ti licenses and please provide computer names for each of the machines for which a license is needed and the contact person for the device
  • Upon proper receipt of the ISD, an ITS Service Ticket will be entered in for the devices.
    ITS will install or update the license through the Software Center on the named computers.
  • For questions about software purchasing, please contact the IT Service Desk at 314-977-4000.
SAS -部门采购

The University has purchased a set number of SAS licenses that ITS is able to resell 到大学院系. 这些许可证每年购买一次.



  • SAS 9.4 for 64-bit PC only
  • 请参见SAS系统要求页面


每年的许可证日期是8月. 1- 7月31日为下一年,不论你的 实际购买日期. 个人许可证的价格是145美元. The following bulk rates apply:

  • 10-19台机器:每个许可证140美元
  • 20-29台机器:每个许可证135美元
  • 30-39台机器:每个许可证130美元
  • 40台以上的机器:每个许可证125美元
  • 服务器许可证:每台服务器600美元

When using bulk-rate discounts, departments are responsible for providing all information 在购买时. 所有机器名称,客户名称和联系信息 必须在初次提交时提供. 常设的ipo或附加组件则不会 be accepted. If additional machine licenses must be purchased at a later date, then 将使用单个许可证或较小的批量费率.


Payment for the total number of licenses can be made on Workday using the Internal 服务交付(ISD)模块.

Cost Center: E75

In the ISD, indicate this is for Atlas Ti licenses and please provide computer names for each of the machines for which a license is needed and the contact person for the device

Upon proper receipt of the ISD, an ITS Service ticket will be created for the machines ITS will install or update the SAS license through the Software Center on the named computers.

Please ensure that the machine SAS is to be installed on is a Windows 64-bit machine. 没有32位计算机可用的软件或许可证.

Software for University machines must be pushed out through the Software Center. Local installations are not available due to the size of the install files.

For questions about software purchasing, please contact the IT Service Desk at 314-977-4000.


The University has purchased a set number of SPSS licenses that ITS can resell to 大学院系. 这些许可证每年购买一次.



  • SPSS 25 for Mac或Windows
  • 参见SPSS系统要求页面


每年的许可证日期是8月. 1- 7月31日为下一年,不论你的 purchase date. 大学拥有和管理的设备可以有一个免费的许可证. The price 个人驾照是85美元吗. 适用的散装运费如下:

  • 10 - 19台:82美元.50 per license
  • 20 - 29台机器:每张许可证80美元
  • 30 - 39台机器:78美元.50 per license
  • 40台以上的机器:每张许可证75美元

When utilizing bulk-rate discounts, departments are responsible for providing all 购买时的信息. 所有机器名称,客户名称和博彩网址大全 信息必须在初次提交时提供. 常设isd或附加组件 will not be accepted. 如果以后必须购买额外的机器许可证,则 将使用单个许可证或较小的批量费率.


请拨打314-977-4000与服务台代表联系. 输入服务请求
ITS will install or update the license through the Software Center on the named computers.

Please ensure the machine is connected to the University network during the installation or update. Software for University machines must be pushed out from the Software Center. Local installations are not available due to the size of the installation files.


Payment for the total number of licenses can be made in Workday using the Internal 服务交付(ISD)模块.
Cost Center: E75

Upon proper receipt of the ISD, license and install information will be provided by ITS.

For questions about bulk rate software purchasing, please contact the IT Service Desk at 314-977-4000.