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根据博彩网址大全的规定, unless a specific exception is granted by the vice president for the Division of 市场推广及传播, all web pages, web microsites and web content must be housed within Saint Louis University's content management system (CMS), Modern Campus.

Learn More About the University's Web内容管理 Policy


Editing firstnews-extra.com is a serious responsibility, as its content represents Saint Louis 以官方身份进入大学. 用户有责任贡献高质量 written and visual material that aligns with the content strategy for firstnews-extra.com.

  • CMS users must be full-time employees of Saint Louis University, undergo training 在本系统中并同意使用条款和条件. 学生,包括研究生 students and student interns, may not have access to the CMS.
  • CMS用户的slu部分.Edu应由院长任命,副校长 or other leadership for the area of web content being edited. Employees chosen to edit the website should have excellent writing and editing skills but advanced technical 不需要技能.
  • Most users will be placed into a workflow for edited content to be reviewed by Marcom employees.
  • Users may edit text, images and other assets on the site but may not access source 编码或修改现有的样式表和模板. 
  • All pages on firstnews-extra.com, with the exception of news and feature content, must be in the site navigation. 博彩网址大全's site navigation is standard, meaning that it works the same 在每个部分. 网站的每个部分或文件夹都有一个导航或 不应该改变的子导航. 信息体系结构的更改 或者slu的导航逻辑.edu are handled by the Division of 市场推广及传播. 

CMS User Training

In becoming a CMS user, you partner with the Division of 市场推广及传播. After completing the training course and passing a quiz, users must also fill out 使用slu的协议.edu appropriately.

Basic User Training

Prior to completing training in the CMS, employees should review the guidance on this page, have the permission of their dean or vice president and coordinate with any existing users for their area and the marketing professionals assigned to their unit, if applicable.

Only full-time employees of 博彩网址大全 are eligible for CMS accounts. Students should not take this training and are not permitted to have account access. 


Please note that the quiz and user agreement presented at the end of this training 必须填写才能创建帐户. 


In addition to the basic training materials, Marcom has developed the following modules 就CMS的先进功能提供指引. 并非所有用户都具有访问权限 to all features.

Note: Users must be logged on to 博彩网址大全 systems to view training files. Questions? Contact marcom@firstnews-extra.com.


In addition to the training above, our team can help answer questions about content development and assist with technical concerns by starting a request for the Marcom digital team. Note这张表格不适合 一般智能交通系统援助 或者帮助登录博彩网址大全系统.

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